School of Prayer and Missions
equipping the believer to intercede and impact the world for the lord jesus christ
“Prayer in its many forms will be studied as one of the foundational keys in evangelistic, outreach and mission projects.” – The Rev. Dr. Patricia Bean, Dean
Level - Beginner through Doctoral
The Prayer and Missions program will allow the student to engage with and understand principles for effective biblical intercession, and allow them to strategically practice, plan and promote the dissemination of the Gospel of the Jesus Christ.
11-Week Classes
Prepare to commit yourself to intensive study of the Word and doctrine from week to week.

Program Description:
The School of Prayer and Missions seeks to provide a comprehensive approach to the study of prayer and missions, emphasizing God’s original intent, their interrelatedness and role in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This school will enable its participants to not only become more proficient in their own prayer lives but also in the enhancement of corporate prayer in the local church, the Church at large and for the furtherance of the Gospel. Prayer in its many forms will be studied as one of the foundational keys in evangelistic, outreach and mission projects.
Missiology which is the study of missions will be researched, developed and enhanced through academic study and practical experience. Various models, methods and techniques in prayer and missiology will be studied with the intent to provide a holistic approach to these key components in the attainment of the Great Commission. Prayer will not be dealt with in a vacuum neither will missions but each component will be studied to show how this dual and simultaneous approach will increase effectiveness of the Church’s mandate to make disciples among all nations.
Study in this program will provide the student with the opportunity to receive a Certificate of Completion in Prayer and Missions as well as degree programs. Students will also be able to pursue a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Prayer and Missions as well as a Master of Divinity Degree (M.Div.) with an emphasis in Prayer and Missions, The M.Div. will be a program for those who desire to do practical full time ministry in this area of study. There will be two different tracks for the M.Div. program for those with a BA in Prayer and Missions and those with a BA from other disciplines.
The programs in the School of Prayer and Missions are as follows:
Core Certificate in Prayer and Missions
Introduction To Prayer (SPM 301)
This introductory course will acquaint you with the subject and practice of prayer which is one of the spiritual disciplines. The Biblical basis of prayer will be explored by definition, purpose and its important role in the life of a Christian as well as in the Body of Christ at large. We will investigate such topics as the importance of the Word of God in prayer, developing a relationship with God through prayer, attitude and prayer, relationship and prayer as well as how to hear the voice of God. Upon completion of this class the student should be more comfortable in praying individually and publicly because their prayer lives will have been enhanced from this class.
Types of Prayer (SPM 302)
This course will look at prayer in its different forms and types. We will Biblically explore the different types of prayers used for different occasions as well as postures in prayer. Learn the dynamics of prayer and how there is a natural ebb and flow (in and out) of different kinds of prayers. The student will also learn about the power and effectiveness of prayer; as well as prayer and fasting to attack long standing and/or generational issues.
The Authority of the Believer (SPM 303)
The course will enlighten the student on their authority as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will look at the source of this authority which comes from our position in Christ and the power of attorney He grants us by using the Name of Jesus. The student will learn what it takes to be effective as a believer, knowing the Word of God, being knowledgeable of the tools available to one in the Army of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will investigate various aspects which affect one’s authority such as our relationship and fellowship with God, yielding to the Holy Spirit and abiding in the Word of God. We will also look at the clean heart principle, the importance of the armor of God, ethical behavior, consecration and purification; in addition to prayer and suffering.
Theology of Prayer (THE 517)
This course will cover the basis of praying biblically, its origin, its progression through the Scriptures as well as delving into the impact of praying in Christendom and in the world today. The student will become familiar with how prayer was viewed by Old Testament saints, the Patriarchs, prophets and kings; as well as the Apostles and Early Church Fathers. The purpose of this class is to make the student fully aware of the heritage of prayer in our Church history as well as being an integral part of the lives of Christians even into this 21st Century.
The Study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
The overall objective of this class is to familiarize the student with The Holy Spirit as God, His part of the Godhead, His role in creation, in the salvation experience and in the harvesting of souls. This course is designed to give the student an overview of the work of the Holy Spirit, as a person, how He reveals himself through His names and His work in convicting, convincing and reproving the world of sin. The student will learn, by walking through the Scriptures, how to have a greater appreciation for the Holy Spirit and His continual work in the earth today. We will also develop a greater understanding of the spiritual gifts and spiritual weapons.
Church Intercession (SPM 304 or MIN544)
The course will delve into the importance of corporate prayer in the local church. It will study how the prayer ministry is a part of the helps ministry and not governmental in that it undergirds the vision of the local Pastor and provides a prayer covering for the various ministries of the local church. The student will learn how to establish a prayer ministry in the church for the purpose of the advancement of the kingdom of God on the local, national and international level. The student will also learn how to develop tools that will enhance corporate prayer locally.
Introduction to Missions (SPM 350)
This course will introduce the student to missions which is a direct consequence of Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission. The model of the Early Church will be explored where prayer and missions helped to spread the Gospel throughout the known world. We will look at home and foreign missions and the obligation of the church to carry out the will of the Lord, Go ye into all the world. This study will include the purpose, function and planning for mission trips.
Comparative Religions (THE 538)
This class will explore the diversity of religious ideas that permeate the theological landscape. Competing religions will be examined in juxtaposition to Christianity. Similarities and differences will be explored. Through this class the student will examine the diversity of religious ideas and approaches to dialogue with other religions. The students’ own systematic foundation will be strengthened through the careful examination as to what makes Christianity distinct as opposed to other ideals.
Praying for Nations (SPM 505)
This course will assist the student in praying for their city, state or nation(s) by historically looking at the area to better understand its present day manifestations and to develop a profile. Specific areas to be researched are the reason that city/state/nation was established or founded, what are its economic levels, religions, educational levels, demographics and literacy? This profile developed from research will enable the student to pray holistically for that area. This class will teach the student how to take all information gathered and compile it into a prayer agenda for that city/state/nation; in order for prayer to be focused and strategic based on the needs of that particular location.
Power Encounter with Spirits (THE 555)
The course will provide the student an opportunity in learning what is a power encounter, investigating it biblically; also looking at its causes and implications. We will study the different levels of spiritual warfare and explore whether everyone is called to this level of warfare and what are some of the weapons that can be used such as spiritual mapping. The student will learn about the various weapons of warfare and their impact on power encounters with spirits.
The Bachelor of Arts in Prayer and Missions
This degree requires the completion of 120 credit hours:
General Education Courses (30 credits) | ||
ENG 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 102 | English Composition II | 3 |
ENG 103 | Public Speaking | 3 |
ENG 104 | Developing Effective Communication Skills | 3 |
ENG 105 | Reading Resource Laboratory | 3 |
ENG 106 | Competency Laboratory Experience (CLE) | 0 |
HIS 300 | American Church History | 3 |
HIS 301 | Church History Survey | 3 |
SCI 301 | Scientific Studies | 3 |
PHS 301 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
MAT 101 | Basic Mathematical Principles | 3 |
Prayer & Missions Required Courses (36 Credits) | ||
SPM 301 | Introduction to Prayer | 3 |
SPM 302 | Types of Prayer | 3 |
SPM 303 | Authority of the Believer | 3 |
SPM 304 | Church Intercession | 3 |
SPM 350 | Introduction to Mission | 3 |
MIN 529 | People as Cultural and Social Beings | 3 |
SPM 352 | Language Requirement – Introduction to Spanish | 3 |
CED 304 | Methods of Teaching I | 3 |
THE 538 | Comparative Religions | 3 |
SPM 353 | Mission Approaches and Techniques | 3 |
SPM 305 | Praying for Nations | 3 |
THE 509 | Christianity in the Global Context | 3 |
Core Courses (30) | ||
BBL 300 | Old Testament Survey I | 3 |
BBL 301 | Old Testament Survey II | 3 |
BBL 302 | Bible Doctrine | 3 |
BBL 303 | Blood Covenant | 3 |
BBL 304 | New Testament Survey I | 3 |
BBL 305 | New Testament Survey II | 3 |
CED 300 | Life Teachings of Christ I | 3 |
CED 301 | Life Teachings of Christ II | 3 |
MIN 300 | Ministerial Ethics | 3 |
THE 571A | Apologetics I & II | 3 |
Electives | ||
SPM 351 | Church Planting | 3 |
SPM 355 | Paul’s Missionary Journeys | 3 |
Practicums | |
Practicum I | 9 |
Practicum II | 9 |
Master of Divinity in Prayer and Missions
The Master’s degree is a practical degree for those seeking to enter full time pastoral or para-church ministry. This type of degree is usually understood as a terminal degree which means that it is the highest degree offered in its field; uniquely structured to provide the emerging pastor with the tools needed to execute and carry a successful ministry with emphasis in prayer and missions. Those pursuing an M.Div. are usually students who seek a sharpening of their pastoral, academic and practical skills needed to head, facilitate and lead, those desiring edification in the body of Christ. Those seeking the M.Div. do not need any prior religious education specific to the discipline. However, ministerial experience is essential towards understanding the content on an experiential and not just on a theoretical level. The M.Div. offered here at the BRCCTS will provide the tools needed for practical, hands on ministry and will emphasize spiritual formation and character maturity so that excellence and not shame, follows the emerging pastor-teacher. This degree is tailored for those seeking ministerial and practical excellence in the office of: Pastor, associate pastor, missionary, para-church ministry director, ministry consultant For those interested in further study, the M.Div. is the primary degree prerequisite to the (D.Min.) Doctor of Ministry degree. Please note, the M.Div offered here is extremely rigid and offered to those seeking excellence in the office of ministerial leadership.
Concentration: The M.Div. track of classes is listed below.
Admissions requirements: The student must have a Bachelor’s degree, completed four (4) core classes offered here at the College. Some of those courses have already been embedded into the divinity program. The student can take the core conjunctively with the other M.Div. courses understanding that it may add time to their program. The student must provide 2 letters of recommendation; submit a sample paper from their former course of study demonstrating an ability to write academically, provide a letter from their home church’s Pastor and be actively engaged in ministry in their local church.
Required segment of classes |
1st Year |
Course # | Course Name | Credit Hours (96) |
Quarter I | ||
THE-506 | Systematic Theology I | 3 |
BBL 300 | Old Testament Survey I | 3 |
MIN-322 | Ministry of the Mantle I | 3 |
CED 300 | Life Teachings of Christ I | 3 |
Quarter 2 | ||
THE-507 | Systematic Theology II | 3 |
BBL 304 | New Testament Survey I | 3 |
MIN 323 | Ministry of the Mantle II | 3 |
SF 500 | Spiritual Formation | 3 |
Quarter 3 | ||
MIN 300 | Ministerial Ethics | 3 |
THE 529 | New Testament Theology | 3 |
THE 571A | Apologetics I & II | 3 |
THE 509 | Christianity in the Global Context | 3 |
Quarter 4 | ||
THE 538 | Comparative Religions | 3 |
THE 555 | Power Encounters with spirits | 3 |
CHSOC 554 | Church as a Political and Civic Institution | 3 |
MIN 539 | People as Cultural and Social Beings | 3 |
2nd Year |
Quarter I | ||
MIN 552 | Conflict Resolution | 3 |
CHSOC 553 | Church Administration | 3 |
THE 515 | The Church at Worship | 3 |
MIN-542 | Creating and Leading Small Groups | 3 |
Quarter 2 | ||
THE-521 | Basics of Biblical Greek | 3 |
THE 553 | Homiletics | 3 |
THE-554 | Hermeneutics | 3 |
CED 504 | Methods of Teaching I | 3 |
Quarter 3 | ||
MIN-555 | Pastoral Care Counseling | 3 |
THE 514 | Theodicy | 3 |
THE-517 | Theology of Prayer | 3 |
Elective | ||
Quarter 4 | ||
Graduate Teaching Assistantship | 3 | |
Thesis Project (which must be defended before the council) | 3 | |
Electives (2) | 6 |
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