School of Biblical Counseling

acquire the tongue of the learned to counsel others in need

"Jesus was the Wonderful Counselor, so what better techniques and teachings to use than that of the Master Himself?"

- The Rev. Dr. Robyn C. Edwards, Overseer, Dean, School of Biblical Counseling

Level - Beginner to Doctoral

Immerse yourself in study so that you may provide a word in due season to help heal hurting humanity through sound counsel.

11-Week Classes

Prepare to commit yourself to intensive study of the Word and doctrine from week to week.

The Rev. Dr. Robyn C. Edwards currently serves as the Executive Pastor of Ministry of The International Gathering at Beth Rapha, and the General Overseer of the Rapha Alliance Ministries, a growing fellowship of 22 churches.  She holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Vision International University campus in Jamaica, Queens, N.Y.  She received the Master and Doctor of Biblical Counseling degrees in the first graduating class of Beth Rapha Christian College & Theological Seminary.  A prolific biblical counselor by gifting, administrator by trade, and “teacher from God,” Overseer Edwards serves as the Dean of the School of Biblical Counseling at BRCC.


Program Curriculum & Objectives

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Program Description

The School of Biblical Counseling seeks to address the common counseling needs found within the Christian community through a multifaceted approach to academic study involving research, theory, classroom laboratories, and practical experience. All academic programs are structured with a heavy emphasis on the practical nature of counseling with an intense focus on the research, theoretical and theological aspect.  Programs are specifically intended for students who have a burden for hurting people and those that are desirous of seeking to counsel as a primary responsibility of ministry throughout the local, national, and international churches and related organizations.

The School of Biblical Counseling provides sound biblical training, techniques, and methods with a distinct understanding of the differences in Christian counseling and psychology within the global community. Again, it is very practical in its format and yet very informative in its presentation.

Biblical Counseling was practiced in the Bible and is unique to pastoral counseling because it seeks to counsel man solely from the Bible. Jesus was the Wonderful Counselor and what better techniques and teachings to use than that of the Master Himself. His techniques and teachings proved victorious because of the assurance that His words were profitable not only for doctrine, correction and reproof; but for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16).

God’s people have always counseled with the words that are laid out in the Scriptures. We see this with the Apostle Paul when he admonishes, corrects and instructs. In Romans 15:14: “I myself am convinced about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and competent to counsel one another.” In this passage, the Apostle was encouraging members of the Roman church to do informal, mutual counseling, something that all Christians today should learn, as well.

On the other hand, the leaders of a congregation are to counsel from the Scriptures in a formal manner as a part of their ministry: “Now we ask you, brothers, to recognize those who labor among you, and manage you in the Lord, and counsel you.” This is an example of what best describes Biblical Counseling.

Biblical Counseling programs of study do not qualify you for state certification or licensure.

Certification is recommended through the Biblical Counselor’s Group (BCG); a newly established professional certification organization offered through our Seminary. The certifying process through BCG is rigorous, however attainable by laity and pastors alike. The process consists of the completion of an approved training course, the completion of a theological and a practical counseling test, several references, and a minimum of 50 hours of supervised counseling experience. This program is highly endorsed and fully supported by the Beth Rapha Christian College and Theological Seminary (BRCC).

The School of Biblical Counseling offers a unique academic, yet practical approach to learning. The school seeks to train the whole individual; with the whole experience; for the whole ministry; so that each student is prepared to not only learn the practice of Biblical Counseling, but to live it in every aspect of ministry!


Bachelor’s in Biblical Counseling

English Composition I

English Composition II

Public Speaking

Developing Effective Communication Skills

Reading Resource Laboratory

Competency Laboratory Experience (CLE – No Credit)

Bible Doctrine

Church History I

Church History II

Life Teachings I

Life Teachings II

Ministerial Ethics

Apologetics I

Apologetics II

Old Testament Survey I

Old Testament Survey II

New Testament Survey I

New Testament Survey II

Can We Trust Psychology?

Understanding Substance Abuse

Christian Counseling: The Medical Perspective

Resources and Innovative Approaches to Christian Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Sexual Disorders

Counseling in Family Violence and Abuse



Methods of Teaching I

Methods of Teaching II

Blood Covenant

Practicum I: Christian Counseling

Practicum II: Christian Counseling

Practicum III: Christian Counseling



Master’s in Biblical Counseling

Pastoral Counseling

Law for the Christian Counselor

Administrative and Organizational Procedures


Marriage Counseling

Psychology in Religion

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Post Traumatic Stress Disorders

Christian Counseling

Portrait of a Family

Stress and Your Child


Required Electives:

Human Growth and Development

Counseling for Substance Abuse

Practicum (Clinical Supervision)




Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling

Why would you want to earn a Doctor of Ministry degree in Biblical Counseling?

A Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) degree in Biblical Counseling through BRCC will be a wonderful and enjoyable experience for all who have a love for helping people heal.  The D. Min. program will provide sound biblical training, techniques, and understanding in the area of Biblical Counseling for the global community. All concentrations of study are customized for each individual allowing implementation in their respective ministries. Furthermore, doctoral level students will want to pursue this program because:

  • Each program will be aligned with the vision and ministerial goals of the local church;
  • Each program is structured to maintain a level of comparability and excellence in the world of academia and circles of Christian therapy; and
  • Each program is structured to include heavy immersion in theory as well as a challenging practical component so that the student may advance in his/her calling and gifting.

Counseling is concerned with helping people manage personal and social difficulties. Biblical counselors often specialize in pastoral counseling, family counseling, marriage counseling, or adolescent behavior for the purposes of rehabilitation and spiritual restoration. The D. Min. in Biblical Counseling is a degree for those passionate and called to help people find resolve and closure in any aspect of personal difficulty.

What are the areas of concentration for those seeking a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling?

  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Substance Abuse and Addictions
  • Family Counseling
  • Stress and Trauma

Requirements for the Doctor of Ministry degree in Biblical Counseling:

Biblical counselors are typically required to have a master’s degree in Christian, biblical or pastoral counseling and/or several years of supervised counseling experience. Biblical counselors should have extensive knowledge of Christian principles and theology. They should possess the gift of patience and be able to handle stressful and emotional working conditions. Additionally, biblical counselors should be able to work with other Christian professionals to plan and implement appropriate counseling goals.

Specifically potential doctoral students should:

  • Possess a master’s degree in Christian, pastoral, or biblical counseling, and/ or related field;
  • Possess demonstrated experience in researching, writing, revising, editing, implementing, and teaching a broad scope of Biblical Counseling programs and curriculum; *Student applicants will be asked to submit written documentation of related experiences aforementioned.
  • Possess administrative and supervisory experience and/or expertise in the successful development, implementation, and evaluation of Biblical Counseling programs;
  • Obtain 2 letters of recommendation; it is preferred that recommendations come from Christian counselors, biblical counselors, senior pastors, bishops, officials at Bible colleges, churches and/or related institutions;
  • Possess a minimum of 3 years of active engagement and/or employment in a biblical counseling program, a pastoral counseling program or its equivalent; and possess a history of active service in the Christian community in the areas of Christian or biblical counseling, program development, and program evaluation. *(If the aforementioned has not been satisfied by the time the application has been submitted then concessions can be negotiated while working towards the degree).
  • Possess a commitment to devoting 2 to 3 years of intensive, practical and theologically based studies towards the completion of the highest degree available in the field of Biblical Counseling -– the prestigious doctoral degree!

How are the classes structured in the D. Min. Biblical Counseling program?

Doctoral classroom requirements and elective classes may be taken in a blended format; which means they may be taken online or in residence.  Please note, the elective and required classes fall on a 10-13 week quarter cycle and are provided through the satellite campus, Beth Rapha Bible Institute in Pomona, N.Y.  Each student must consult with his/her advisor to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of the instructional delivery.  It is anticipated that the D. Min. degree in Biblical Counseling will take 2-3 years to complete. The doctoral student will be permitted a maximum of three courses per semester, but can take four if special approval is awarded by the dean of Biblical Counseling. This will be heavily dependent on the student’s overall GPA.

What are the specific requirements that the doctoral student must satisfy for completion of the program?

Doctoral Seminar I (6 Credits): Research Methods

This seminar will serve as the foundation for the doctoral student to begin research methods connected with doctoral levels of study. Through this seminar the student will learn about the resources, techniques and Institutions connected with biblical and Christian counseling theory. The doctoral student will also become exposed to ministries, similar organizations, and professionals who operate out of the biblical and Christian counseling environment.

Doctoral Seminar II (6 Credits): Research – Ministry Crisis Management

This seminar will be conducted as an intensive study on two Saturdays from 9 am – 3 pm or through a comparable 12-hour schedule. This course will prepare the doctoral student to meet the challenges of traumatic and unpredictable circumstances that threaten to harm the church or ministry, its board, pastor(s), and/or the congregation. It will deal with four elements common to most definitions of crisis: (a) a threat to the sustainability of an organization; (b) the element of short and long term shock; (c) the necessity of critical and immediate decisions; and (d) the requirements for change in the organization’s infrastructure.  Each doctoral student will build a comprehensive plan for a church or ministry that will lead to healing in such crisis situations. This plan must be presented in a 20 page research paper format and prepared for presentation before the biblical counseling doctoral committee.

Courses related to the Doctoral Concentrations (24 Credits):

Each student will choose six courses worth four credits each. An array of formats will be offered towards the satisfaction of these requirements. The courses may be conducted and may consist of week long or weekend seminars, practical projects, and /or research projects. The format for completion of these courses will be designed and approved by the student’s advisor according to the special requirements of the given area of concentration. The course titles are:

  1. Perspectives in Counseling Depressed People
  2. Church Discipline and Biblical Counseling
  3. Perspectives in the Training of Biblical Counselors
  4. Self / Soul Care Perspectives for the Emerging Biblical Counselor
  5. Biblical Counseling in the Global Context
  6. Biblical Counseling Ministry for the Local Church/Para Church Institution

Doctoral Electives (8 Credits):

Each student may choose two elective courses from the master’s level course offerings. Elective courses are designed to provide the student with opportunities to broaden his/her scope or range of academic experiences in the program. Electives will be selected by the student in accordance with his/her advisor.

Design, Scope, Content and Initiation of the Doctoral Dissertation (4 Credits):

This design class will be structured in two parts.  As a part of our commitment to excellence, the first course will examine and provide practical oversight of the candidate’s progress in their dissertation through on site management and assessment by proctors assigned to the candidate’s dissertation project. Strengths and weaknesses will be assessed through this exercise and feedback given so that the project’s language can be shaped and clarified. The second part will provide the student with opportunities to organize the dissertation in terms of content format and presentation. Both courses are designed to consolidate the thought, practice and scope of the Doctoral student’s dissertation proposal.

Doctoral Dissertation and Defense (8 Credits):

At this stage, the student is in the process of writing the dissertation and formulating the bibliography. At the end of the process the student will be given a date for the defense of the dissertation. The student will submit copies of their dissertation to members of the examination committee and present a copy for the archives of Beth Rapha Christian College and Theological Seminary. Usually one full year is dedicated to the writing of the dissertation. In the event that it takes a student more time to complete the dissertation, an extension can be requested and granted at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

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Make your calling and election sure as you immerse yourself in God’s living Word!

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