School of Christian Education

teaching and training souls in the word and doctrine for the proclamation of the gospel

“In a time in history when people are falling away from truth, it is imperative that we place a deliberate emphasis in the Body of Christ on the necessity of teaching and living the immutable doctrines of our God.” - The Rev. Dr. Patricia McLeod, Dean

Level: Bachelor - Doctorate

Equip yourself for ministry at various levels within our degree programs.

11-Week Class Sessions

Our semesters are structured for intensive study on a weekly basis.

The Rev. Dr. Patricia McLeod is a passionate student of the Word of God and disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! In addition to being a Pastor in Training, she currently serves a dual capacity as Vice President of BRCC as well as the Dean of the School of Christian Education.  Prior to joining the team at BRCC, she served over 25 years in public education until her official retirement as Superintendent of Schools in 2013. While she enjoyed a long career in teaching and administration, she considers her current posts as the most profitable, illuminating, life changing experience of them all! She is most grateful and humbled to be stationed at the feet of our esteemed President & Founder, Bishop Jacqueline E. McCullough, of whom she considers not only her Pastor, but her Rabbi and the Under Shepherd of her soul!


Program Description

The School of Christian Education is one of the most exciting areas of study in our seminary because its programs are directly correlated with the commandments of God for diligent instruction, the teachings of the prophets in response to these commandments, and the life teachings of Jesus Christ throughout His earthly ministry.

Throughout Old Testament history the prophets were admonished to teach the law and commandments of God. Moses urged the people to keep the statutes and judgments of God and to do them. He let them know this was the source of their wisdom and understanding among the nations of the world (Deuteronomy 4:5-6).

Samuel the judge and prophet recognized that his major duty was to pray to God for his people and to teach the nation “the good and the right way.” (1 Samuel 12:23) The glory and prosperity of Judah under Jehoshaphat was due largely to the emphasis he laid upon religious instruction as the basis of national character and stability.

His Bible school faculty consisted of five princes, nine Levites and two priests who effected a moral and religious transformation, for “they taught in Judah, having the book of the law of Yahweh with them” (2 Chronicles 17:7-9).  Then we witness the greatest prophet and teacher of all in Jesus Christ; who for 3 years taught His disciples with urgency and intensity, the principles of Christian living and the transformation that would be necessary for them to be equipped to spread the Gospel throughout the world!

Teaching has always been in the mind of God and it is at the heart of our ministry still today! Beth Rapha Christian College and Theological Seminary (BRCC) believes in the adequate preparation of Christian laity and leaders and the development of Christian Education programs throughout the church for all ages so that people can be taught how to live holy and in a manner that is pleasing to God! In a time in history when people are falling away from truth, it is imperative that we place a deliberate emphasis in the Body of Christ on the necessity of teaching and living the immutable doctrines of our God.

We pay homage to the great Apostle Paul who established churches throughout Asia Minor and trained leaders to follow the biblical precepts of Christ. We thank the apostle for teaching the Roman church the doctrines of salvation, justification, adoption, regeneration, and sanctification! We thank him for his inspired teachings to the church at Corinth on Christian unity, Christian maturation, Christian behavior, and the very source of our Christian faith in the undisputed resurrection of Jesus Christ! And, we could go on and on!

What tremendous justification and purpose we have for providing sound biblical instruction through carefully structured, highly deliberate, Christian Education programs of study! This is why with great excitement we welcome you to the BRCC School of Christian Education!


Degree Programs


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Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education

English Composition I

English Composition II

Public Speaking

Developing Effective Communication Skills

Reading Resource Laboratory

Competency Laboratory Experience (CLE – No Credit)

American Church History

Introduction to Philosophy

Church History I

Church History II

Basics of Biblical Greek

Basics of Biblical Hebrew

Christian Education I

Christian Education II

Methods of Teaching I

Methods of Teaching II

Basics of Curriculum Development

Life Teachings I

Life Teachings II

New Testament Survey I

New Testament Survey II

Old Testament Survey I

Old Testament Survey II

Christian Apologetics I

Christian Apologetics II


Bible Doctrine

Blood Covenant

Ministerial Ethics

Practicum I – General Education

Practicum II – Christian Education

Student Teaching

Master’s Degree in Christian Education

Christian Education I

Christian Education II

Methods of Teaching I

Methods of Teaching II

Curriculum Development – Research, Preparation, Evaluation

Research – Trends and Issues in Christian Education

Basics of Biblical Greek

Basics of Biblical Hebrew

Required Electives:

Church History I

Church History II

Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)

*Students are required to teach 2 classes in BRBI

Thesis *Written Thesis minimum 40 pages on Christian Education research to be approved by Advisor

Doctorate Degree in Christian Education

Why would you want to earn a doctoral degree in Christian Education?

A doctoral degree in Christian Education through BRCC will be an exciting venture for all applicants. It will provide sound biblical teaching; methods and techniques in the fundamental aspects of preparing Christian curriculum for a global community; techniques in developing Christian program development, management, and supervision; instructional strategies for creating Christian schools, colleges, and theological seminaries; and overall Christian Education leadership for the 21st century.

All programs of study will be customized for each individual keeping three very important factors in mind. Each program must be:

  • Aligned with the vision and ministerial goals of the local church;
  • Structured to maintain comparability and excellence in the world of academia; and
  • Structured to include heavy immersion in theory as well as practical application so the student will be advanced in his/her calling and giftings

As a result of these highly structured, customized programs, students matriculating towards the Doctor of Christian Education degree through BRCC will have the unique experiences of creating, under academic advisement, their own courses of study; developing required practical applications in accordance with present ministerial duties and functions; and devising scheduling options in conjunction with professional schedules and online / resident availability of courses. This tremendous flexibility distinguishes our program from all of the rest, while simultaneously, providing the student with a well rounded academic experience second to none!

What are the areas of concentration for those seeking a Doctor of Christian Education degree?

  • Christian Education Administration and Supervision
  • Christian Education for Youth Ministry
  • Christian Education Law
  • Christian Education in a Global Context

What are the specific requirements for the Doctor of Christian Education degree program?

The Christian Education Doctoral Program seeks highly motivated student leaders who:

  • Possess a master’s degree in Christian Education, Religious Studies, and/or a related field;
  • Possess demonstrated experience in researching, writing, revising, editing, implementing, and teaching a broad scope of Christian Education programs and curriculum; *Student applicants will be asked to submit written documentation of related experiences aforementioned.
  • Possess a history of teaching and active service in the Christian community in areas of Christian education, program development, and program evaluation;
  • Possess administrative and supervisory experience and/or expertise in areas of development, implementation, and evaluation of Christian education programs, schools, colleges and universities;
  • Possess 2 letters of recommendation; It is preferred that recommendations be obtained from Christian educators / administrators, officials at Bible colleges, churches and/or related institutions;
  • Possess a minimum of 3 years of active engagement and/or employment in Christian education programs; and
  • Possess a commitment to devoting 2 to 3 years of intensive, practical and theologically based studies towards the completion of the highest degree available in the field of Christian Education – the prestigious doctorate degree!

Students completing the Doctor of Christian Education degree will:

  • Through intentionally customized Biblical study and practical experiences, be prepared to build and construct, implement and evaluate Christian Education programs and curriculum across disciplines;
  • Through a wide variety of methods and techniques, be prepared to synthesize and analyze Christian Education needs within the church community, and then create the vision for the successful writing and implementation of the desired Christian Education program; and
  • Through structured course work and academic experiences, be prepared to research and examine their chosen concentration and format findings in the form of a doctoral dissertation to be defended successfully before a respective committee.

How are the classes structured in the Doctor of Christian Education program?

Doctoral classroom requirements and elective classes may be taken in a blended format – meaning they can be taken in residence or online. Please note the elective and required classes fall on a 10-13 week quarter cycle and are made available online for your convenience.

The doctoral concentration requirements may be met in a variety of ways. Each student must consult with his/her advisor to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of this instructional delivery.

The Doctor of Christian Education degree will take anywhere from 2-3 years to complete, depending on the aggressiveness of each student. The doctoral student will be permitted a maximum of three courses per semester, but can take four if special approval is awarded by the dean of Christian Education. This will be heavily dependent on the student’s overall GPA.

What is the sequence of requirements the Doctoral student must satisfy for completion of the program? 

Doctoral Classroom Requirements (18 Credits) (total 63 hours):

Christian Education I

Christian Education II

Methods of Teaching I

Methods of Teaching II

Curriculum Development – Research, Preparation, Evaluation

21st Century Multi-Cultural Ministry

Doctoral Seminar (6 Credits): Research – Trends and Issues in Christian Education

This seminar will be conducted as an intensive study on two Saturdays from 9 am – 3 pm or through a comparable 12 hour schedule. These studies will be conducted through study groups examining the many factors influencing Christian Education programs today. Each Doctoral student will be responsible for completing a 20 page research paper addressing one specific area of research concentration for their specialized study.

Doctoral Concentration (18 Credits):

Each student will choose six courses worth three credits each in order to complete this portion of the program. This work will be accomplished in independent / intensive study and may consist of weekend seminars, practical projects, and /or research projects. The format for completion of these courses will be designed and approved by the student’s advisor according to the special requirements of the given area of concentration.

Doctoral Electives (9 Credits):

Elective courses are designed to provide the student with opportunities to broaden his/her scope or range of academic experiences in the program. Electives have been structured specifically to enhance the student’s understanding of Christian Education in a historical and global context. Electives will be selected by the student in accordance with his/her advisor. The student may choose any three courses from the list of core and elective courses already offered on the Masters Level course list. Please note, the work will be significantly different for the doctoral student due to the nature of the degree pursued.

Design, Scope, Content and Initiation of the Doctoral Dissertation (4 Credits):

These courses are designed to consolidate the thought, practice and scope of the doctoral student’s dissertation proposal. As a part of our commitment to excellence, the first course will examine and provide practical oversight of the candidate’s progress in their dissertation through on site management and assessment by proctors assigned to the candidate’s dissertation project. Strengths and weaknesses will be assessed through this exercise and feedback given so that the project’s language can be shaped and clarified. The final course will provide the student with opportunities to organize the dissertation in terms of content format and presentation.

Doctoral Dissertation and Defense (8 Credits):

At this stage, the student is in the process of writing the dissertation and formulating the bibliography. At the end of the process the student will be given a date for the defense of the dissertation. The student will submit copies of their dissertation to members of the examination committee and present a copy for the archives of BRCC. Usually one full year is given for the writing of the dissertation. In the event that it takes a student more time to complete the dissertation, an extension can be requested and granted at the discretion of the department/committee chair writing of the dissertation.  In the event that it takes a student more time to complete the dissertation, an extension can be requested and granted at the discretion of the department/committee chair.

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What Our Students Say

Some of the most pivotal points in my personal and ministerial life occurred during the sometimes painful and other times joyful moments I experienced during the preparation and writing of my dissertation. When I wanted to give up on what God had placed in my spirit the prayers of the professors and the staff of BRCC encapsulated me and led me to refocus and regain my momentum.

Cynthia Williams

Doctorate of Christian Education

My biblical knowledge was limited and I was lacking in many areas of my walk with the Lord until BRCC. The courses here have made God’s Word come alive in ways I never would have discovered on my own and has helped me to mature in my faith.

Sarah McKenzie

Student, Hillburn, NY

Prepare For Ministry Today!

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38). The Lord is in need of skilled, committed workers to till His fields.  Will you be one of the laborers He sends into the harvest to reap His harvest?

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